December 7, 2016

Why cinemas should follow accessibility regulations

Does your cinema follow accessibility regulations? A while back, I wrote a blog post about my experiences at the cinema with my hearing loss. Since then, it’s sad to say I’ve […]
September 28, 2016
deaf gamer petitions for subtitles

Why subtitles are important for deaf gamers

Video games are a second home for me. Ever since I was little I enjoyed immersing myself in a mystical world, taking part in a grand adventure.  Even more so, […]
September 26, 2016

Deaf YouTuber begins campaign for better captions #NoMoreCraptions

As a profoundly deaf teenager, I want to be like my fellow peers who watch YouTube, but I can’t always because there aren’t proper captions. Auto-generated captions are often wrong, […]
February 5, 2016

My favorite YouTubers (who caption!)

Captioning on YouTube has been a hot topic in the deaf/Hard of Hearing world lately, especially among teenagers. YouTuber Rikki Poynter – Pikachu lover and advocate for closed captioning, who’s also […]
December 4, 2015

New YouTube Captions, Taylor Swift Meets Fan with Hearing Loss

Fans help drive new captioning feature on YouTube, super-fan with hearing loss meets Taylor Swift