March 11, 2022
Early Intervention

Early Intervention: Why parents need to follow up

Early Intervention programs for deaf and hard of hearing children are typically offered for ages 0-3 in the U.S. Over the last two years, during the height of the COVID-19 […]
December 8, 2017

How I felt when my baby heard me for the first time

Charlotte (Charly) is just four months old and was born with a profound hearing loss.  The first time her hearing aids were turned on, her baby eyes brightened, and widened […]
May 11, 2017

Two babies born deaf, mom finds solace and laughter with first hearing aids

“The journey started just on day two of life,” says Melissa Hyder.”Both of my children did not pass the newborn hearing screening test that was performed at the hospital.” Melissa, […]