December 7, 2020
deaf author Raymond Antrobus

Interview with author and poet Raymond Antrobus

Deaf author Raymond Antrobus often explores his experience with deafness in his writing. We interview him about his children's book, "Can Bears Ski?"
January 2, 2020

January Book Club: Four Days with Kenny Tedford

The HearingLikeMe team loves supporting #deaftalent and learning about the different perspectives of people who are living their lives fully, despite their hearing loss. To celebrate our challenges and expand […]
December 4, 2019
Deaf Republic deaf book club

December Book Club: “Deaf Republic” by Ilya Kaminsky

"Deaf Republic" is a parable of poems, written by hard-of-hearing author Ilya Kaminsky.  Join the HLM Book Club and read books by deaf authors.
November 5, 2019
El deafo - books for kids with hearing loss

Book Review: ‘El Deafo’ graphic novel helps kids gain confidence with hearing loss

"El Deafo" is a graphic novel that follows the story of Cece, a bunny, who gains confidence with herself as she grows up with hearing loss.
October 22, 2019
book clubs and hearing loss

Tips for joining a book club when you have hearing loss

The next best thing to reading books is discussing them. But, as with many social activities, book clubs can be difficult to participate with a hearing loss.
October 7, 2019
deaf book club my hard of hearing life

Book Review: ‘My Hard of Hearing Life’ by Cynthia Dixon

Recently, Hearing Like Me started a book club to bring together the hearing loss community, promote deaf authors and discuss common themes around living with hearing loss. September’s book club pick was: […]
October 1, 2019
deaf book club Hearing Like Me

October Book Club: ‘El Deafo’ by Cece Bell

We're already on the third book of the Hearing Like Me Book Club, and this month's pick is "El Deafo," a graphic novel by CeCe Bell.
August 28, 2019
deaf book club

September Book Club: ‘My Hard of Hearing Life’ by Cynthia Dixon

The HearingLikeMe team loves supporting #deaftalent and learning about the different perspectives of people who are living their lives fully, despite their hearing loss. To celebrate our challenges and expand […]
July 29, 2019
On Being Human

August Book Club: ‘On Being Human,’ by Jen Pastiloff

The HearingLikeMe team loves supporting #deaftalent and learning about the different perspectives of people who are living their lives fully, despite their hearing loss. To celebrate our challenges and expand […]