November 24, 2016
my family has hearing loss but i dont

Teen Life: My Family has Hearing Loss… but I don’t

What is life like for a normal hearing teenager to grow up in a family with deaf and hard of hearing members? Anna shares her experiences.
September 5, 2016

How deaf people can benefit from wearables

Technologies such as smart watches can provide a lot of benefits to making life easier - especially for deaf people.
July 20, 2016

How my hearing technology has improved over the years

As someone who suffers with a hearing loss, I am very dependent on technology. Technology helps me hear, helps me learn, helps me engage with other members of the public […]
July 11, 2016

3 tips for playing contact sports with hearing aids

Do you wear your hearing aids when you play rugby? This is the most common question I get as an athlete with hearing loss, both from others who wear hearing aids and […]
June 9, 2016

Deaf Rugby Player: “I’ve never let hearing loss be a barrier in my dreams”

I’ve never let my hearing loss be a barrier in my dreams. Since I was a teenager, my goal was to be an athlete, and now as the UK’s only Deaf […]