March 18, 2019

What my debate competitions taught me about advocacy

Speech and debate is a wonderful activity. It can simultaneously serve as a platform for self-expression and education, allowing for productive discourse on ethical dilemmas in the world around us. […]
February 28, 2019

Yoga and meditation classes are challenging with hearing loss

When you prefer high-intensity workouts, adjusting to slower-paced activities like yoga and meditation isn’t easy. It’s even more challenging attempting them with a hearing loss. As a soccer player, working […]
January 30, 2019
perception of hearing loss

Watch: My Perception of my Hearing Loss

We all create our own perception of hearing loss as we grow and learn from our experiences. Vlogger Jaime shares her hearing loss journey with us and the different perspectives […]
January 7, 2019
friends with hearing loss

Why I’m jealous of my friends with hearing loss

This might be a bold thing to say, but here’s the thing. Oftentimes I lay in bed thinking of how I’m jealous of my friends with hearing loss. Just a […]
October 17, 2018
hearing aids at a wedding

Watch: Life wearing hearing aids, the wedding experience

  Do you wear your hearing aids at a wedding? Certain social situations that are loud, such as weddings, can be hard for deaf and hard of hearing people to […]
September 25, 2018
hiring deaf and hard of hearing people

Top benefits of hiring deaf and hard of hearing people

The gap between deaf and hearing employees in the United States is drastic. According to “Deaf People and Employment in the United States: 2016“, published by the National Deaf Center […]
September 8, 2018
reactions to hearing loss

How my friends reacted when they found out about my hearing loss

Since becoming a hearing aid wearer and learning that I am at least partially deaf, I have begun to understand my friends reactions to hearing loss, both before my diagnosis […]
August 8, 2018

Deaf and hard of hearing characters in popular fiction

I’m sitting in a school library as I write this – one of those magical havens of peace and quiet that somehow manages to whisper with a weighty presence, something […]
July 30, 2018
reactions to hearing loss

How my friends reacted to my hearing loss

  Since becoming a hearing aid wearer and learning that I am at least partially deaf, I have begun to understand my friends reactions to hearing loss, both before my […]
June 25, 2018
accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing people

Podcasts: The last frontier of accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing people

Making it to the front page of Reddit is considered the Holy Grail. This social website of topic-based communities includes comments and votes. Generally, around 4,000 upvotes within six hours […]
June 20, 2018

9 tips for camping with hearing loss

Being alone in the wilderness can be especially scary for someone with a hearing loss.  People with acute hearing rely tremendously on sounds for safety reasons.  Branches snapping, footsteps nearby, […]
June 19, 2018
Google duplex help the deaf and hard of hearing community

Will Google Duplex help the deaf and hard of hearing community?

Google recently announced that its new AI system, Google Duplex, will be able to conduct conversations to complete tasks over the phone.  This was interesting news for the deaf and […]
May 30, 2018
hearing loss stereotypes

Breaking the Box: Why I don’t let hearing loss stereotypes set limits on my life

One of the things that we tend to do in our quest to make sense of the world around us is to try and categorize everything in the world around […]
April 20, 2018
hearing loss and travel

How my hearing loss is shaping my travel experiences

When I first set off for my year abroad, I didn’t realize how my hearing loss had prepared me for this adventure. Traveling with hearing loss has helped me be […]
April 18, 2018
costs of hearing loss

How to overcome some of the emotional and societal costs of hearing loss

Living with any disability comes with a particular set of challenges, many of which are immediately obvious. It also comes with costs and challenges, that are not so obvious.  Here […]
March 26, 2018
hearing loops

What are hearing loops and how well do they work?

A hearing loop also called an Induction Loop is a sound system created for use by the hard of hearing in various public places such as a shop, office, church, […]
January 22, 2018

Celebrating the diversity of deafness

What does it mean to be Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing? Whether you are heavily involved in the Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing community, just learning about it, or somewhere in […]
January 19, 2018
self advocacy for deaf and hard of hearing people

Is it okay to speak for my deaf or hard of hearing friend?

Living deaf in a hearing world means that we might miss a hearing person talking to us from a distance or not understand what someone is saying. Hearing friends might […]
November 14, 2017
communication in sports

How to handle communication in water sports when the hearing devices come off

If you are an avid water sports person, you may find it challenging to communicate in a group setting when your hearing aids or cochlear implants are stored away in […]
October 4, 2017
life with hearing loss

How I changed my attitude about hearing loss

At the beginning, I fought tooth and nail against being one of those people who wore hearing aids. I realised that all of my stress and anxiety had been caused […]