May 11, 2018
raising children with hearing loss

These mothers share the most rewarding parts of raising children with hearing loss

  Mothering a child with hearing loss has broadened my perspective. As a hearing person, I used to take certain things for granted. Now I understand that not everyone experiences […]
May 8, 2018
teaching children about hearing loss

New Professor Hallux videos are a fun way to teach children about hearing loss

When you are a child with hearing loss, sometimes understanding exactly what hearing loss is can be difficult. Phonak partnered with UK radio station Fun Kids Live, to create educational YouTube […]
May 3, 2018
hearing loss artwork

Mom advocates for hearing loss by sharing artwork on Instagram

This mother, Doris Ziegler, took to making art and posting it on Instagram to spread hearing loss awareness after finding out about her two-year-old, Hannes, son’s hearing loss. If you […]
April 26, 2018

Mom finds hearing loss support for her son on Instagram

  Having a child with a hearing loss sometimes can feel isolating but mom Macey Kibbey has found kindred community through Instagram. The hearing loss journey for Macey’s son Oliver […]
April 2, 2018

Music-based early intervention app makes listening exercises fun

When I first found out about Ayden and Sayge’s hearing loss diagnosis, one of my first questions was, how do I help them; how do I get them the resources […]
March 23, 2018
hearing aids waterproof

Are my child’s hearing aids waterproof?

It is time to clear up a hearing aid mystery for parents by answering the following questions: How waterproof are my child’s Phonak Sky hearing aids?   The answer is that child’s […]
February 16, 2018
hearing loss community

Finding our place in the hearing loss community with our hard of hearing children

In the beginning of my children’s hearing loss journey, I had no idea the complexity of hearing loss. Frequencies, decibels (dB), audiograms, pitches – were just random words that would […]
February 12, 2018
students with hearing loss

Why you should know the history of special education

Today, there are many supports that are legally in place to accommodate students with hearing loss, but that wasn’t always the case. If we were to travel back in time […]
February 9, 2018
equestrian with hearing loss

Community Spotlight: Nine-year-old equestrian rides into a new world of sound with her hearing aid

Nine-year-old Rayna is living out her passion for riding while enjoying her new world of sound after receiving her first hearing aid. Rayna has both hearing loss and Tourette’s syndrome but […]
December 15, 2017
child asks about their hearing loss

“Mom, dad why you don’t wear hearing aids?”

“Mom, Dad, why do I wear hearing aids and you don’t?” My son asked with curiosity mixed with confusion in his eyes. When Ayden first expressed his awareness of his […]
December 11, 2017
bullying and hearing loss

What a viral tweet on bullying can teach us about raising deaf children

Kids with hearing loss sometimes get bullied, which makes the stigma worse. How can we prevent bullying about hearing loss?
December 5, 2017
challenges with hearing loss

Why I build resiliency in my children to overcome challenges with hearing loss

As a mom of children with hearing loss, I’ve realized how living with hearing loss will have unique setbacks. Though I’ve also realized that life isn’t about how well you […]
November 27, 2017
holidays with hearing loss

Tips to make the holidays special for children with hearing loss

Celebrating holidays with hearing loss can bring challenges. Here are some simple ways to make holidays special for those with hearing loss.
November 8, 2017
play a musical instrument with hearing loss

Can my child learn to play a musical instrument with their hearing loss?

I always say that anything is possible in life, although it would be a perfectly understandable assumption for people to think that some activities could be too difficult for deaf […]
October 30, 2017
preschooler with hearing loss

Tips for teaching a preschooler with hearing loss

  “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela Teachers are amazing. Their ability to juggle multiple levels and abilities of students […]
October 24, 2017
hard of hearing children self-advocacy

How I teach self-advocacy to my hard of hearing children

When you think of your child, what do you dream for them in the future? A strong, independent, successful adult is most likely embedded into what you want for your child […]
October 13, 2017
children's hearing aids

“What’s in your ears?”: How we answer questions about our children’s hearing aids

Growing up wearing hearing aids, my children heard the question, “What is in your ears?” more times than we can count. The question typically comes from a curious child or […]
September 25, 2017
Roger technology at home

Why using Roger technology at home benefits my hard of hearing child

The day our son’s teacher let us take home the Phonak Roger FM System, was the day we realized this vital piece of technology needed to be used not just […]
September 12, 2017
preparing your deaf child for school

4 tips for preparing your deaf child for the school year

Feelings of excitement of the new school year are here, but covering the excitement is a blanket of nerves.  I am sure most parents are celebrating the added hours of […]
September 6, 2017
causes of hearing loss

How I found the answer to ‘What caused my son’s hearing loss?’

“What caused the hearing loss?” The one question that continued to circle around us when we first found out our son is hard of hearing.  We were shocked. Ayden was […]