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Ask Anna: What is the best hearing aid accessory for me?

the best hearing aid accessory

Ask Anna is a weekly advice column for the hearing loss community. 

Dear Anna: What is the difference between all the wireless accessories available for hearing aids? I’ve heard about the Phonak Roger Pen, Com Pilot and others, but how do I know what is the best hearing aid accessory overall? – Sharon in Alberta, CA.

Dear Sharon, 

This is a question that comes up a lot and can be quite confusing, as there are many different types of hearing aid accessories. Some are multi-purpose devices and some are for one specific purpose.

Accessories are often recommended when the hearing aids alone can’t quite provide enough benefit in really challenging listening situations. People that struggle in these environments generally have a more severe type of hearing loss, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. Challenging listening environments vary, but a common complaint is not being able to hear speech in noise, especially over distance.

Hearing aid accessories come in a variety of wireless solutions that vary in price, style and function, so you need to decide together with your audiologist what device is going to best suit your needs and your budget.

The great thing is there is no right or wrong decision – but what are the differences?

Phonak Hearing Aid Accessories

For example, Phonak hearing aid accessories are roughly split into two groups of wireless technologies:

There are the Roger solutions, which were born out of  an earlier technology( Phonak FM systems) and were predominantly used by children in a classroom situation, and general Phonak Wireless Accessories. 

Roger Solutions

Phonak Roger Pen hearing aid accessory

The Roger Pen offers best speech understanding in noise and over distance, plus Bluetooth connectivity

Roger devices are the gold standard when it comes to hearing speech in noise and over distance. They can be used by people of all ages and all models and brands of hearing aids (even hearing aids that are not Phonak can use Roger technology.) Roger systems are made up of a  transmitter  that communicates directly with the hearing aids by means of a  Roger receiver (shoe) that can be attached to the hearing aid. Roger devices use  a technology that is known as  2.4 GHz technology.

The portfolio of products has grown and offers solutions that can be used in the classroom (Roger Inspiro) out and about or at home (Roger Pen) and in the office (Roger Table Mic). These are just a few examples of the types of Roger solutions available.

Phonak Wireless Accessories

Phonak hearing aid wireless accessories

Phonak EasyCall connects Phonak wireless hearing aids to your cell phone.

So where do digital wireless accessories fit in ?

Phonak Wireless Accessories were developed separately to Roger and originally were referred to as a  hearing instrument body area network (HiBAN). The concept behind these accessories was that they were  designed to help a hearing aid user connect to devices directly like the telephone (EasyCall), TV (TV Link) and Music (ComPilot). This type of accessory does not need a receiver to be attached to the hearing aids, but you will always have to have a device that is known as the streaming device (Interface) that will stream the sounds you want to hear – from the device to your hearing aids.

These devices use a technology known as 10.6 MHz Technology.

What Hearing Aid Accessory is Best for Me? 

So, before you decide on getting a hearing aid accessory, think about what situations you still find challenging to hear in, even when wearing hearing aids. Do you go out with friends a lot and have a difficult time hearing in noisy situations? Or do you want to hear the TV better? Answering this question will then help you and your audiologist come to a decision on a solution is right for you.

Do you have a question for Anna? Email:

The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Hearing Like Me website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency medical services immediately.
Author Details
Anna is currently the Senior Audiology Manager at Phonak. She has worked in the field of audiology and hearing aids for 25 years, and is passionate about all things audiology.