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Appreciating Hearing Technology

hearing technology


It took a while for Louise Bjerrum to appreciate the benefit she received from her hearing aid. Now, this Swedish physiotherapist takes full advantage.

Louise Bjerrum was born with a congenital hearing loss; she is deaf in her right ear. She has worn a hearing aid since she was three years old. When she first got her hearing aid, the connection to the microphone was very strong. This made far away sounds feel very close. She especially remembers a time when she was playing with her friends. My mother, who was probably 500 meters away from me, wanted me to come home to eat. My friends were surprised when I suddenly, and without warning, said “Bye, bye I got to go,” she says, laughing.

Bjerrum doesn’t just wear a hearing aid. She takes advantage of other hearing technology.

To hear is to participate

In addition to wearing hearing aids, her classroom had furniture and carpets to suppress disturbing noises. After her graduation, a period followed when she didn’t use an aid. “It was when I started my studies to become a physiotherapist that I once again started to use a hearing aid,” she recalls. “I discovered how much support it provided. I didn’t have to concentrate as hard to hear what was said during class, which meant I managed my studies a lot better.”

Today Bjerrum, 47, uses a Phonak Naida hearing aid, which makes a big difference in her everyday life. “As I only hear mono, technical aids and hearing aids becomes very practical,” she says. “I always carry Roger Select with me. I use it both for work and leisure and connect it to my smartphone when I want to listen to music. It works really well.”

New technology makes life easier

As a physiotherapist, Bjerrum works primarily with older people doing rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is about training, but also about finding the right ways to feel better. “There are many long conversations, and as many older people have weak voices, I use Roger Select to capture what they say,” she says.

She makes sure all phone calls are transferred via Roger Select to her hearing aid. She also uses the Roger Table Mic for meetings with many participants. She’s gotten a lot of positive reactions from coworkers, friends and family. “Everyone feels that I’m more present and it’s clear that I can hear and participate in the conversations in another way when I use [my] hearing aid,” she continues.

“I think it’s great that it’s not just a help for me, but also for those around me. It makes me want to use devices even more.”

Read more: Why I am grateful for my hearing technology

A better everyday life

hearing technology

In her spare time, Bjerrum likes to go for long walks or swim, and occasionally she has time for spinning class. It used to be difficult to hear the instructor because of the loud music, but with hearing technology, it’s easier.

“Certainly, there are challenges in everyday life, such as when people gather at meetings or lectures for example,” she says. “If I don’t get a really good seat, I’m saved by the microphone.” She adds that if she goes to a café or restaurant, a hearing aid doesn’t only capture her friends’ voices, but soothes the surrounding noise as well.

“When I turn my affected hearing to something positive, I realize that I never have problems sleeping,” Bjerrum says and laughs.

How does your hearing technology help you?

Author Details
The HearingLikeMe editorial team includes Jill Blocker von Bueren and Lisa Goldstein.