July 28, 2016

Study: Risky listening habits causing tinnitus in teens

An alarming number of young people are experiencing tinnitus from being exposed to loud music.
July 27, 2016

10 DIY Sensory Activities for Deaf Kids

Sensory activities and sensory play can be any activity that stimulates the senses. Hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.  These types of activities are especially important for deaf children to […]
July 26, 2016

Top 5 date spots for couples with hearing loss

If your partner has hearing loss, it's important that when choosing somewhere to go on a date, each person is comfortable in the location.
July 21, 2016
hearing aid batteries rechargeable hearing aids Audeo BR

Les aides auditives rechargeables économisent 500 piles et simplifient la vie

Imaginez un monde dans lequel recharger vos aides auditives est tout aussi facile que de charger votre téléphone portable chaque nuit. Découvrez à présent cette possibilité dans la vie réelle. […]
July 21, 2016
hearing aid batteries rechargeable hearing aids Audeo BR

Demandez à Anna : Existe-t-il des aides auditives rechargeables ?

Demandez à Anna est une colonne de conseil hebdomadaire pour la communauté de personnes souffrant d’une perte auditive Chère Anna : Ma mère a de l’arthrite et a du mal à […]
July 21, 2016
hearing aid batteries rechargeable hearing aids Audeo BR

Los audífonos recargables ahorran hasta 500 pilas, simplifican la vida

Imagine un mundo en el que dar alimentación a los audífonos fuera tan simple como cargar su teléfono móvil cada noche. Ahora, descubra esa posibilidad en la vida real. Los […]
July 21, 2016
i don't like my hearing aids

Pregúntele a Anna: ¿Existen los audífonos recargables?

Pregúntele a Anna (Ask Anna) es una columna semanal de consejos para la comunidad con pérdida auditiva Querida Anna: Mi madre tiene artritis y le cuesta cambiar ella misma las pilas del […]
July 21, 2016

5 razones por las que la gente no usa los audífonos

Es una situación frecuente para muchas familias: la audición de un ser querido ha disminuido y, después de años de falta de comunicación y frustración, finalmente consultan a un audioprotesista. […]
July 21, 2016
hearing aid batteries rechargeable hearing aids Audeo BR

Wiederaufladbare Hörgeräte sparen 500 Batterien und machen das Leben leichter

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten Ihre Hörgeräte genauso einfach über Nacht aufladen wie Ihr Mobiltelefon – und entdecken Sie jetzt diese Möglichkeit im echten Leben! Die neuen Phonak Audéo […]
July 21, 2016

5 Gründe warum die Leute ihre Hörgeräte nicht tragen

Viele Familien kennen diese Situation: Ein schwerhöriger Verwandter kann nach Jahren voller Verständigungsschwierigkeiten und frustrierenden Momenten endlich davon überzeugt werden, einen Hörgeräteakustiker aufzusuchen und sich ein Hörgerät zuzulegen. Doch dieses […]
July 21, 2016
i don't like my hearing aids

Frag Anna: Gibt es wiederaufladbare Hörgeräte?

Frag Anna ist eine wöchentliche Ratgeberkolumne für Menschen mit Hörverlust  Liebe Anna, meine Mutter hat Arthritis und deshalb Schwierigkeiten, ihre Hörgerätebatterien selbst auszuwechseln. Verwandte oder Freunde helfen ihr, wenn sie […]
July 21, 2016

Simplify Life: Rechargeable hearing aids save 500 batteries

Imagine a world where powering your hearing aids is just as easy as charging your cell phone each night.
July 21, 2016
hearing aid batteries rechargeable hearing aids Audeo BR

Ask Anna: Is there an easier way to change hearing aid batteries?

My mother has arthritis and has a hard time changing her hearing aid batteries herself. Is there a better solution?
July 21, 2016

5 Reasons People Don’t Wear their Hearing Aids

It’s a familiar situation for many families. A loved one’s hearing is declining, and after years of miscommunication and frustration, they finally visit an audiologist. They invest in hearing aids, but […]
July 20, 2016

How my hearing technology has improved over the years

As someone who suffers with a hearing loss, I am very dependent on technology. Technology helps me hear, helps me learn, helps me engage with other members of the public […]
July 19, 2016
summer cochlear implant care

4 Cochlear Implant Care Tips for Summer

It is finally summer, which means wading pools, sprinklers and road trips to the beach. But can your deaf child enjoy the water just as much as any other kid, […]
July 18, 2016

Life Will Be More Fun, and 3 Other Reasons My Parent Should Get Hearing Aids

If I could talk to my dad today to try and convince him to buy the new hearing aid and rejoin life, what would I tell him?
July 15, 2016

How Sign Language Helped us in an Emergency

I have always been a huge advocate of using sign language. I think it has massive benefits in terms of learning how to communicate and aiding speech. However, I never […]
July 14, 2016
Study: Excercise may contribute to lower tinnitus severity

Study: Exercise may contribute to lower tinnitus severity

If you have tinnitus, you’re likely to have searched for information for a cure or a treatment – anything to alleviate it. Sadly, no miracle cure currently exists. However, last […]
July 13, 2016

Study: Caffeine may worsen hearing loss

Coffee’s effect on one’s health has seen both positive and negative reviews, but one recent study is again claiming it’s drawback: it can dramatically affect the body’s ability to recover […]